General Translation  

Right-to-left languages

Right-to-left (rtl) languages are those that are read and written from right to left.

Languages written from right to left have a combined total of over 500 million speakers worldwide. They include:

  • Arabic (ar)
  • Hebrew (he)
  • Persian (fa)
  • Urdu (ur)

The generaltranslation language infrastructure library offers a getLanguageDirection() function to determine if a language goes "rtl" or "ltr".

The solution here involves writing a short script which sets the <html> element's lang and dir attributes before the app loads. We're actively looking at ways to make the developer experience easier.

Run this script in your app's index.html file:

import { determineLanguage, getLanguageDirection } from 'generaltranslation'
const defaultLocale = "en-US" // your default locale
const approvedLocales = ["en-US", "es", "fr", "de", "ja"] // your approved languages
const browserLocale = navigator?.language || navigator?.userLanguage;
let locale = browserLocale || defaultLocale;
if (approvedLocales) {
    locale = determineLanguage([locale, browserLocale], locales) || defaultLocale;
document.documentElement.lang = locale;
document.documentElement.dir = getLanguageDirection(locale);

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